About Our Shop

The Deaf signing community is a culture of different races, ethnic backgrounds, languages, customs, abilities, and religions. And it is a culture of hearing and deaf who come together to create and maintain traditions and identity while also adapting to broader social norms.
In the Deaf community are many sign languages. They differ in hand accents that represent multiple backgrounds creating a tightly woven fabric that reveals a stunning artwork of how we think, express our thoughts, and live our lives.
In my community, the Deaf show pride in our deafness. We know we bring diversity to the world. We know that we have something to teach the world. All those in the signing community know that this language and culture brings beauty to the world. We know we have a lot to offer.
Not everyone feels the same as I do. Some people grow up in a uniform collective not exposed to or encouraged to mingle within the deaf culture. Controlled by fear instilled in them by a lack of knowledge. A polarized belief system to cause suspicion and alarm of anyone different from the hearing community.
An appreciation for diversity begins at home. For me it is one T-shirt at a time. One person at a time can show and teach others that the signing community is beautiful and there is great strength in the Deaf community.
I have four goals when it comes to my store.
- For my store to make life interesting. I want to broaden people's horizons and help all learn more about the signing community by showcasing our Deafness and our language. To allow interaction with people to take place creating conversational starter pieces.
- For my store to inspire unity and togetherness. To create a bridge of understanding by including everyone in the conversation that will be had. To help others to put aside their differences, work through adversity, and seek solutions. To bring awareness that we are all in this together and that we share more in common than we thought whether we speak with our mouths or hands.
- For my store to rouse new ideals in beauty and aesthetics. Over the past couple of decades, the ideals of beauty have shifted considerably. Nowadays people love seeing the great range of facial expressions that transpire through ASL. The graceful flow of hands flying in the air. Being open to diversity has given the Deaf a larger platform.
- For my store to allow people to make this world a better place. Encouraging and educating thus promoting diversity will bring about understanding and recognition. Removing primal fear, stigmas, and suspicions we have about those different from us. One shirt at a time showing diversity in thought, skills, and creativity gives us the power to face challenges like audism, jobs, and accessibility.
I love what Margaret Mead said. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
My store is all about being heard.